H 180/308 Vliseline Vit

Pris inkl. Products (25%) 2.38kr
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Mellanlägg från märket Vliseline, 90 cm bred. Vit.

Priset är angivet per decimeter, För köp av 1m tyg=10dm

Minsta köp 5dm(0.5m)

For Small Parts and Front Parts

Fusible Interlining H 180

Especially soft and lightweight interlining for small parts as well as front parts of jackets etc. made of very lightweight to mediumweight outer fabrics.

Application areas

For the fusing of small parts on blouses and shirts and if front parts. Suitable for lightweight fabrics.


1. Lay the interlining with the coated side facing the reverse side of the fabric.

2. Iron on for around 12 seconds with a damp cloth.

3. Press the iron down firmly over each section 5–6 times. (Iron setting: silk/wool).

4. After fixing, lay the pieces down flat to cool down for around 30 minutes to allow the bond to stabilise.


• Outstanding bond on difficult, fashion fabrics such as viscose, acetate and cupro

• Easy to iron-on

• Soft, comfortable texture

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H 180/308 Vliseline Vit
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